Bamboo Name Badge

  • Made from Bamboo Material
  • Product Size : 35 x 75 mm
  • Thickness : 3 mm
  • Magnet attachment
SKU: NBB-09 Category:

The success of a firm or an office depends on how good service is given to customers. For easy interaction of clients with employees, identification tags are important. However, nowadays, most institutions use the badge made out of plastic. Such name tags are bad for the environment, and they may not be that attractive. So, try out the Eco-Friendly Bamboo Name Badge from for your office or firm. They are an eco-friendly and appealing look that will make the customer feel free to interact with your employees.

The situation of the environment is getting degraded in a faster phase! So, many international forums have come out with the motto of the Go Green initiative. You can also be part of this trend by using eco-friendly products. Bamboo is the best choice as it can grow in a shorter period and they are sustainable for the environment. At, we offer you the bamboo name badge of different sizes and designs. If you are looking for a professional touch tag, then our 35 x 75 mm Bamboo Name Badge can be a good choice.

Why should you choose a Bamboo Name Badge?

Bamboo Name Badge is a good choice to recreate the greenery earth. As bamboo plants have the capability of growing in a shorter duration, even excessive usage will not result in extinction. Nevertheless, the name badge made out of Bamboo is durable and benefits more rather than disadvantages. So, make the penny you invest in identification badge worthy by opting bamboo name badge. Let you too be an eco-warrior and save better EarthEarth for the future!